I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas| Lyrics and Sheet Music

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Listen to Apples and Bananas on Spotify by Raffi

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Song Lyrics and Free Sheet Music

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Song Lyrics and Chords

    D                                      A                                
I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas,                                                                                    D
I like to eat, eat, eat, apples and bananas
            D                                      A                                      
I like to ate, ate, ate, ay-ples and ba-nay-nays, 
I like to ate, ate, ate, ay-ples and ba-nay-nays
            D                                      A                                       
I like to eat, eat, eat, eep-ples and bee-nee-nees, 
I like to eat, eat, eat, eep-ples and bee-nee-nees
            D                                      A                                       
I like to ite, ite, ite, i-pels and bi-ni-nis, 
I like to ite, ite, ite, i-pels and bi-ni-nis
            D                                      A                                       
I like to oat, oat, oat, o-pals and bo-no-nose, 
I like to oat, oat, oat, o-pals and bo-no-nose
            D                                      A                                       
I like to oot, oot, oot, oop-ples and boo-noo-noos,
I like to oot, oot, oot, oop-ples and boo-noo-noos


Free Coloring Page for the song “I Like to Eat”

FREE coloring page for I Like to Eat

Capture the joy of learning with our free coloring page for the song "I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas." Let your little ones explore their creativity by downloading and printing this fun activity today. It's a great way to reinforce the lyrics of the song while keeping them engaged in a playful way. Get your crayons ready and watch them bring the song to life through colours!


About the Song

"I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas" is a popular children's song used for introducing vowel sounds and encouraging participation. Here's what we can tell you about it:

  • Origins: There's no clear information about the exact origin or author of the song. It's likely a traditional children's song passed down orally through generations.

  • Focus: The song revolves around the simple concept of liking to eat apples and bananas.

  • Educational Value: The song is primarily used to introduce vowel sounds, particularly the short "e" sound in "eat" and the long "a" sound in "apples" and "bananas."

  • Interactive Element: The song often incorporates a call and response element, where the singer asks "I like to eat..." and the listener responds with "eat, eat, eat." This keeps children engaged and participating.

  • Variations: There are many variations of the song. Sometimes other fruits or foods are mentioned instead of apples and bananas. Another popular variation focuses on different vowel sounds, with the lyrics changing accordingly.

  • Popularity: "I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas" remains a favorite among parents, educators, and young children due to its simplicity, catchy melody, and educational value. You can find many recordings with different arrangements and visuals.

Here are some additional things to consider:

  • The song can be used as a springboard for discussions about healthy eating and different types of fruits.

  • It's a good introduction to the concept of taking turns and participating in group activities.


Five Fun Facts about Apples and Bananas

  1. Apple Acrobatics: Believe it or not, apples can actually float! This is because about 25% of their volume is air. This air pocket helps them stay buoyant and makes them perfect for bobbing in a fall harvest tradition.

  2. Banana Bunch Bonanza: A single banana plant doesn't produce bunches and bunches of bananas! What looks like a bunch is actually a cluster of individual fruits called a "hand." Each hand can have up to 20 bananas, and a single plant can produce multiple hands throughout its lifetime.

  3. Apple Ancestry: While we typically enjoy red and green apples, there are over 7,500 varieties of apples grown worldwide! They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors, from yellow and pink to deep purple.

  4. Misunderstood Monarchy: Bananas are often called a "tree," but they're technically giant herbs! True trees are woody plants that grow for many years, while banana plants are herbaceous, meaning their soft stems die back after fruiting.

  5. Powerhouse Pretzels: Next time you peel a banana, take a look at the brown stem at the end. This part is actually called the "pseudostem" and is formed by the banana plant's tightly wrapped leaf sheaths! Some cultures even steam or boil the pseudostem and eat it like a starchy vegetable, similar to a pretzel.


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