Galumph Went the Little Green Frog | Lyrics and Sheet Music

Listen to the Song on Spotify

Listen to Galumph on Spotify by Team Dream

Listen to the Song on YouTube

Listen to Galumph Went the Little Green Frog on YouTube by Emma


Song Lyrics and Free Sheet Music

Free sheet music for the children's song Galumph Went the Little Green Frog

FREE sheet music download for Galumph Went the Little Green Frog | Fun Children’s Song

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Song Lyrics

Galumph went the little green frog one day, 
Galumph went the little green frog. 
Galumph went the little green frog one day, 
And they all went galumph galumph galumph 

But… we all know frogs go 
La de dah de dah 
La de dah de dah 
La de dah de dah 
We all know frogs go 
La de dah de dah 
They don’t go Galumph Galumph Galumph.

Variations: Der-Glumph or Da-Glumph may also be used


Free Printable Coloring Page for Galumph Went the Little Green Frog

"Galumph Went the Little Green Frog" Coloring Page

Let your little ones dive into the whimsical world of the "Galumph Went the Little Green Frog" song with our free printable coloring page! Encourage creativity and fine motor skills as they bring to life the adorable characters and vibrant scenes from this beloved tune. Download, print, and watch as your children embark on a colourful adventure with the little green frog!


About the Song

The information available about "Galumph Went the Little Green Frog" is a bit limited. Here's what we can tell you:

  • Popularity: It seems to be a popular children's song, particularly in Australia based due to its use through ABC television programs such as Playschool

  • Origin: There's no clear information about the origin or author of the song. It might be a traditional children's song passed down orally.

  • Lyrics: The lyrics are quite simple and repetitive, with the phrase "Galumph went the little green frog" repeated throughout the song. Variations might mention the frog's eyes going "galumph galumph galumph" or add other sounds associated with frogs, like "ribbit."

  • Melody: The melody is also simple and catchy, making it easy for young children to learn and sing along. There aren't many publicly available recordings online.

  • Resources: There are resources available online where you can find the lyrics and sometimes even sheet music for the song. However due to copyright restrictions, I can't share those directly.


Five Fun Facts about Frogs

  1. Super Sticky Superpower: Frogs don't have tongues like humans do. Instead, they have long, muscular tongues that are covered in a sticky mucus. When they spot a tasty insect, they flick out their tongue with lightning speed and the insect gets stuck to the mucus, making it a yummy froggy snack!

  2. Colorful Camouflage: Many frogs come in amazing colors and patterns. These aren't just to look pretty, though! They actually help frogs camouflage themselves in their environment. For example, a green frog might blend in perfectly with leaves, while a brown frog might look just like dirt. This helps them hide from predators and sneak up on unsuspecting prey.

  3. Musical Males: If you hear loud croaking coming from a pond or wetland, it's probably male frogs trying to attract a mate! Male frogs have vocal sacs in their throats that they inflate to make loud sounds. The exact sound can vary depending on the species of frog, but it's an important way for them to communicate with each other.

  4. Amazing Acrobats: Frogs are very good at jumping! Their strong legs can propel them many times their body length. Some frogs, like the tree frog, can even use their sticky toe pads to climb up walls and trees.

  5. Freeze and Fix: Believe it or not, some frogs have a special superpower that allows them to survive freezing temperatures! These frogs, like the wood frog found in North America, can actually freeze solid during the winter. Their bodies stop functioning, but they don't die! When the weather warms up, they thaw out and hop around like nothing ever happened.


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