Humpty Dumpty| Lyrics and Sheet Music

Listen to the Song on Spotify

Listen to Humpty Dumpty on Spotify by Melody Shakers

Listen to the Song on YouTube

Listen to Humpty Dumpty on YouTube by Melody Shakers


Song Lyrics and Free Sheet Music

Free printable sheet music for the children's song Humpty Dumpty

FREE sheet music download for Humpty Dumpty | Nursery Rhyme

Know a different version of the song? Share with us your own version and lyrics in the comment section

Song Lyrics

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall 
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall 
All the kings horses and all the kings men 
Couldn't put Humpty together again


Free Printable Coloring Page for Humpty Dumpty

🎨 Free Printable Coloring Page: Humpty Dumpty 🥚

Let your little ones bring Humpty Dumpty to life with our free printable coloring page. This classic nursery rhyme character will spark creativity and provide a fun activity for children to enjoy. Download the coloring page today and watch as their imaginations soar! Perfect for home or classroom use.

Happy coloring! 🖍️🎶


About the Song

The children's song "Humpty Dumpty" is a classic nursery rhyme known for its simple lyrics and catchy rhythm. Here's what we can tell you about it:

  • Origins: The exact origin of "Humpty Dumpty" is unclear. It's considered a traditional rhyme, meaning it's been passed down orally through generations. Estimates suggest it might date back as early as the 16th century.

  • Lyrics: The core lyrics are very short and repetitive:

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again.

There might be slight variations in wording depending on the source.

  • Meaning: The meaning of "Humpty Dumpty" is open to interpretation. Some believe it's a simple cautionary tale about the dangers of climbing too high. Others see it as a metaphor for something that's broken beyond repair.

  • Popularity: "Humpty Dumpty" remains a popular nursery rhyme for young children. Its simplicity and catchy rhythm make it easy to learn and sing along to. There are many recordings and adaptations available online

  • Cultural Impact: "Humpty Dumpty" has become ingrained in popular culture. The rhyme has been referenced in movies, TV shows, and even literature. The image of a plump egg sitting on a wall is easily recognizable by many people around the world.


Five Fun Facts about Eggs

  1. Eggceptional Architects! Many birds, but not chickens, are known for their impressive egg-building skills. The nests of the Sociable Weaver bird in Africa are massive apartment complexes, containing hundreds of individual chambers made from grass and twigs, each housing an egg!

  2. Colorful Layers: While chicken eggs are typically brown or white, depending on the breed, bird eggs come in a wide variety of colors and patterns! Robin eggs are a beautiful blue, emu eggs are a glossy black, and tinamou eggs can be speckled with green, blue, or even purple. These colors can help camouflage the eggs in their environment.

  3. Not Just for Breakfast: Eggs are incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in many ways beyond breakfast! They can be boiled, fried, scrambled, poached, or even baked into delicious desserts. In some cultures, eggs are even dyed and decorated for celebrations!

  4. Air Pockets for Air Travel: Have you ever noticed a small air pocket at the blunt end of a hard-boiled egg? This air pocket is actually there naturally and helps the egg breathe during development. It also helps prevent the yolk from sticking to the shell during incubation. The air pocket gets bigger as the egg ages, which is why a fresh egg will sink in water while an older egg might float.

  5. More Than Just Yolk: A chicken egg might seem simple, but it's actually a complex biological marvel! The yolk contains the embryo, surrounded by a protective layer of albumen (egg white). The albumen provides nutrients for the developing chick, while the shell protects it from the environment. Even the eggshell has tiny pores that allow oxygen to reach the developing embryo and allows some carbon dioxide to escape.


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