With My Hands on My Head (Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo) | Funny Children’s Song

Song Lyrics

With my hands on my head what have we here? 
This is my brain thinker my teacher dear, 
Brain thinker, brain thinker nicky nacky nocky noo, 
That's what they taught me when I went to school

With my hands on my eyes what have we here? 
These are my eye blinkers my teacher dear, 
Eye blinkers, brain thinker nicky nacky nocky noo, 
That's what they taught me when I went to school
With my hands on my nose what have we here? 
This is my smell boxer my teacher dear, 
Smell boxer, eye blinkers, brain thinker nicky nacky nocky noo, 
Thats' what they taught me when I went to school

With my hands on my chin what have we here? 
This is my chin wagger my teacher dear, 
Chin wagger, smell boxer, eye blinkers, brain thinker nicky nacky nocky noo, 
Thats' what they taught me when I went to school

With my hands on my chest, what have we here? 
This is my chest cougher my teacher dear, 
Chest cougher, chin wagger, smell boxer, eye blinker, brain thinker nicky nacky nocky noo, 
That's what they taught me when I went to school

With my hands on my tum, what have we here? 
This is my bread basket my teacher dear, bread basket, chest cougher, chin wagger, smell boxer, eye blinker, brain thinker nicky nacky nocky noo, 
that's what they taught me when I went to school

With my hands on my knees, what have we here? 
These are my knee knockers my teacher dear, 
knee knockers, bread basket, chest cougher, chin wagger, smell boxer, 
eye blinker, brain thinker, nicky nacky nocky noo, 
that's what they taught me when I went to school

With my hands on my toes, what have we here? 
These are my toe tappers my teacher dear, 
toe tappers, knee knockers, bread basket, chest cougher, chin wagger,
smell boxer, eye blinker, brain thinker, nicky nacky nocky noo, 
that's what they taught me when I went to school!

: In some versions the word mama is used instead of teacher.

Listen to Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo

We absolutely love Colin Buchanan and think that his version of Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo is one of the best one’s out there. You’ll find a whole bunch more of his silly songs on the album of the same name.

Once of Caper Kids Music's favourite versions of Nicky Nacky Noo

Get the sheet music for the song

free sheet music for My Hand on My Head (Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo)

Download Free Sheet Music for My Hand on My Head (Nick Nacky Nocky Noo)

Man with crazy hair and his hands on his head at school

Do you remember singing Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo when you were younger? Let us know about it in the comment section


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