Magalina Hagalina | Funny Kids Song

Lyrics to the song

See below for variations. There are many!!

There was a funny girl, she had a funny name

She got it from her pappy just the same, same, same.

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

She had two hairs on the top of her head

One was alive and the other was dead.

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

She had two eyes at the front of her head

One was green and the other was red.

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

She had two teeth in the middle of her mouth

One pointed north and the other pointed south.

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

She had two holes in the middle of her nose

One for fingers and the other for her toes

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

She had two lips, two beautiful lips,

Shaped just like two battleships.

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

She had two knees in the middle of her legs

One liked bacon and the other like eggs

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

Her ears stuck out like the sails of a boat

Her Adam’s apple wandered up and down her throat.

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

She loved to polish her fingernails

She bought her polish in ten-gallon pails.

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).

She had two feet size 40 and a half

One took a shower and the other took a bath

Magalina Hagalina, Oaka talka, Walka talka

Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name (clap, clap).


Variations to the Name (please share your own)

Girl with wild hair, big smile, and green eyes

Magalina Hagalina | Funny Song for Kids

  • Catalina Madalina

  • Catalina Magdalina

  • Cadalina Magdalina

  • Magdalina Hagdalena

  • Maggalina Haggalina

  • Hagalina Magalina

  • ​Hoopenstocken Walkenstein Ahoga Loga Moga

  • Ooka Toka Oka Noka Poka

  • Hoopin Stina, Walla dina Oaka, Poka, Loka was her name.

  • Ooka Sonna Donna Wanna Poka, Loka was her name.

  • Hoopensteiner Wallendiner Hogan Logan Bogan

  • Roonsteiner Walkenbiener, Hogan Bogan Logan

  • Rubensteinen Wallendinen Hogan Bogan Logan 

Please share your version of the song in the comments below


With My Hands on My Head (Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo) | Funny Children’s Song